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aj's swag dimension
swag corner

in this tiny corner of the infinitely-cornered interweb, i share with you a curated collection of the swaggiest things i own.

microphones in 2020 (book)

ah, the substantial brick. 761 images, each married to a tiny, 8-ish count slice from the 44-minute-44-second-long song released by the microphones in the year 2020; appropriately titled, “microphones in 2020”. don’t get me wrong, i love the song about as much as i love the book, but if we got into both we’d be here all night.

in the description on his website, phil elverum (my favourite guy, by the way) explains the story of this book way better than i ever could. teenage years in a darkroom, fumes and expired film in a half frame, and the union between worlds of photo and sound. the photographs “stood in for the unmade movie that [he] was always soundtracking.”

i tried to choose my favourite images to share with you. it didn’t work. i love every image in this book on its own and as a part of the whole. phil and this book exemplify everything i want to accomplish as an artist, and i wish i could tell him that to his face.

all the images can be viewed in the official video. you might wanna stay for the music, too:

wtnv tarot deck

a beautiful, haunting tarot deck inspired by my favourite podcast: welcome to night vale.

i’ve been a fan of this show since it first came out, though regrettably, i haven’t been able to listen to much of it recently. i stumbled upon the hayworth deck around the same time i became interested in tarot, how convenient! the fact that it was a night vale deck probably would’ve been enough to sell me right off the bat, but the illustrations—done by the amazing jessica hayworth—made it impossible to say no to. i knew this was my deck.

here are my 10 favourite cards; ironically, whether it be by coincidence or by spiritual forces i may never understand, they're also the cards i pull the most: